I began to question just why the hell do we have estimated times on loading bars??
Seriously these things are never accurate. I was running updates on my Mac Book Pro (that piece of shit is another rant) for my adobe 5.5 suite and it said est. time 40 min's, 5 min's later it was done.
Now don't get me wrong I was happy about it being a lot faster than estimated how ever that often times is not the case. I use and HP desktop at work and this fucking thing is always being updated when it happens I watch the progress bar, 3 min's and 55 seconds. 3 minutes later 3min's and 50 seconds really, are you fucking serious.
Why not just display a percentage already complete, it does me no good to have an estimated time that's way off the fucking mark. When these things start they have an outrageous amount of time too, if it actually try's to keep up with its self the time jumps so radically it's not accurate until the last 5 seconds.
it's lie trying to watch a movie with a friend who has ADD fucking pointless and annoying while this thing jumps around like a cricket on crack.
In other news I've been toying with ideas for paddles i just need a jig saw or a skill saw, expect a post on that sometime around the new year.
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From the Toy box
This blog is rated AAARRRGGGHHHH!!! for pirates, fuck you.
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